jueves, 20 de julio de 2017

Carta a Canada

Hello Ann Mary:

My name is Raquel Pérez and I have enrolled in the career of Tourism Business Administration of UNADM.
UnADM's platform allows students to self-manage and self-regulate. Students will be able to create their own knowledge and learn to recognize their learning abilities and their means of expression through the use of new technologies.
The UnADM has a specific regulation based on respectful coexistence, honesty, and educational equity.
UnADM seeks to integrate individuals into new technologies and to be able to apply their knowledge and applications anywhere in the world.
This is how the career of Tourism Business Administration converges with this vision of integrity, seeks the promotion of respect for the intercultural diversity of peoples based on a professional ethics focused on respect for human beings, natural and cultural resources and the environment , Through meaningful learning coupled with the management of technological tools.
This is how the career of Tourism Business Administration of UnADM is combined with my own vision and educational and professional mission.

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